Which employers are stepping up to bat during this epidemic?
During times like these it can be very hard to focus on anything other than the negatives, especially since we are encountering a crisis that is impacting the health of thousands as well as the financial future of potentially millions. While many businesses throughout the country are at risk of massive furloughs and layoffs, and the stock market is playing the electric slide downward with everyone’s money, there are some massive employers stepping up in a big way to help retail and service industry employees who will be hit first as a result of this pandemic.
In The Midst Of The Coronavirus, Pot Shops Are Thriving
Maybe it should come as no surprise, but shops that sell pot are doing remarkably well despite the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Apparently viral contagion is no reason to avoid relaxing substances: or maybe it’s an exact reason to use them.
The Reopening Of Disneyland And Disneyworld Have Been Indefinitely Postponed Due To The Coronavirus...
You probably don’t want to hear more bad news regarding the Coronavirus, but unfortunately, there’s plenty of it to go around. It has well and truly brought most of society’s aspects to a screeching halt, especially when it comes to entertainment and recreation. After all, the inability to gather in large groups means no one is going to Disneyworld or Disneyland anytime soon.
Netflix creates $100 million fund to support hourly workers during production shutdowns
If you still needed any evidence that proved the Coronavirus is out to ruin good entertainment, consider the fact that Netflix has gone out of its way to create a $100 million fund to support all of the people that are out of work, thanks to the virus shutting down film and TV production across the board.
The Impact of the Coronavirus on Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite is without a doubt one of the most anticipated games of 2020, even if it isn’t going to be available until the end of the year. That being said, it’s really no surprise that the Coronavirus has impacted its development just like it has every other major form of entertainment. It seems that every anticipated game, show and movie has been delayed or cancelled and Halo Infinite is not exempt from the viral crosshairs, as made clear by statements from the developers.
3D printers could play a big role in the war on Coronavirus
With the Coronavirus crisis getting progressively worse, certain medical items are in high demand: namely, masks. The situation is so bad that some actual medical installations don’t have the masks they need in the midst of this tenable situation. Lots of providers are struggling to restock these all-important masks, but in the meantime, it seems that companies like HP will step up to the plate: yes, the same HP that makes printers.
The Coronavirus Epidemic has Delayed the Black Widow Movie
Coronavirus is everywhere in the news, mostly in regards to how many things are being cancelled or limited because of it. Unfortunately, that list of affected things just keeps on growing, as it turns out that even Marvel’s Black Widow movie has been delayed due to the virus, and it won’t be coming out in May.
Tesla suspends production due to COVID-19 threat
In the midst of one of the largest health and financial crisis of a generation, Tesla manufacturing plants have had to suspend production indefinitely in order to flatten the curve via social distancing so that we come out of the present and invisible threat of COVID-19, aka the coronavirus.
E3 2020 has officially been cancelled
News the past week has included many notices involving the cancellation of events due to the Coronavirus. Conventions, tours and even entire sports seasons are among the list of victims. Unfortunately, E3 2020 can now be added to that list, to the dismay of many gamers.
The Dishonored Tabletop RPG Can Now Be Played Digitally
There’s nothing quite like playing a tabletop RPG on a digital platform. It almost seems ironic. That said, Modiphius has just recently released Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, and it is available as a PDF for about $18. The physical edition of the game is only available for pre-order until June, but this PDF can be ordered right away.
Toilet Paper, Clorox and Purell: Here’s how you might still be able to still...
Having trouble finding home essentials like toilet paper or hand sanitizer or cleansing wipes? Have you found it online but are not willing to pay the ridiculous asking prices? Here's what you should do.
How badly is the Coronavirus affecting retail and the market as a whole?
The World Health Organization called it a global pandemic, China isn’t being very open about where it may have actually came from, and to make matters so much worse, media spins and stock market dumps have everyone wondering whether the effects of the Coronavirus will have deep, long term effects on the global market in general (especially since China is the global hub of most of the world’s manufacturing).
Fed Holds Rates Steady Amid Coronavirus Concerns
The minutes -- from the FOMC's January 28-29 meeting -- were seen as supportive of loose monetary policy. Stocks and futures rallied as a result.
Several Fed policymakers provided commentary on the Coronavirus outbreak that -- at the time -- was mostly contained to mainland China. Fed President Patrick Harker stated, "if the situation gets significantly worse, and we start to see a significant impact on the U.S. economy, then we'd have to think about accommodation." Fed Chair Jerome Powell said that the Fed would act "as appropriate."
Can simple protective masks protect you from the Coronavirus?
With the recent health crisis originating in Wuhan, China, now spreading across the world as a global health epidemic has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), residents in the United States are taking extra precautions to avoid catching this deadly virus. One immediate outcome as a result of Coronavirus hysteria has been stores throughout the nation reporting that they are running out of simple protective masks.