Xbox News
Xbox Has Reversed Their Decision to Increase the Price of Xbox Live Gold Subscriptions,...
People that have been keeping tabs on the online Xbox community may have been aware that Microsoft was looking to change the price of Xbox Live Gold subscriptions. This change in pricing was originally going to be an extra dollar for one month of Gold ($11) and an extra five dollars for three months of Gold ($30). Needless to say, a lot of the Xbox community was unhappy about this, and they made sure to let Microsoft know. The good news is that Microsoft actually listened!
Xbox Launches Monthly Event For 2020 To Compensate For E3’s Cancellation
With E3 being one of, if not the biggest game show every year, it was a huge letdown to learn that it was going to be canceled for 2020. Of course, with the whole COVID-19 outbreak, it was absolutely the right call, unfortunate though it may have been. Of course, E3 was a big chance for Microsoft to showcase all the new Xbox related goodies, so in the absence of that opportunity, they’ve settled on digital events, similar to Nintendo Direct videos. They’re calling this video series Xbox 20/20. These monthly videos will lead up to the holidays, when the Xbox Series X is to release.
The Games you can Expect with Gold on Xbox Live this October
Disney Bolt, Tembo the Badass Elephant, Friday the 13th: The Game and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge.
New Xbox Games have been Announced for Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass regularly changes out which type of games are available, by both adding and taking away different games. We don’t have any news about which games will soon be leaving Game Pass, but we can tell you which new games will soon be added to the streaming service. New games are added every month, after all, and October’s games are worth a look.
Best Deals for Xbox One September 2019
With September being more than close enough to the holiday season, there are undoubtedly plenty of new deals and discounts to come along with it. It’s buying season after all, so developers and publishing companies are looking to take in the dough. Luckily for us, that means there are plenty of sweet deals available to take advantage of, and we’ll talk about some of the best ones here.
Control is $10 off for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4
With digital games becoming more and more popular due to their convenience, brick and mortar retailers have been looking for ways to bolster sales of physical game copies. Quite frankly, there is answer seems to be a good one; why not just sell new games for cheaper than you can get them online? Both Amazon and Walmart have taken up this practice, selling physical copies of many new releases for $49.94 instead of the classic $60.
Microsoft Considers The Outer Worlds an Xbox Exclusive Franchise
Hype is pretty high for The Outer Worlds, which releases on Oct. 25th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, while a Nintendo Switch version is set to be released at a later date. But while the initial game is being released on various different platforms, you may not be able to play the sequel on anything other than Xbox. At least, that’s the statement from Xbox Studios Head Matt Booty.
Microsoft Gears the Next Gen Xbox for Framerate and Playability
During E3 of 2019, Microsoft unveiled a few interesting details about its next generation Xbox, codenamed Project Scarlett. They didn’t show any actual hardware during the event, but the few details they provided did give us an interesting glimpse into what the Xbox of the next generation would provide. Like Sony’s PS5, it’ll get a solid state drive, and will allegedly be four times more powerful than the Xbox One X, which is currently the most powerful console on the market.
Xbox is Likely to see more Single Player Games in the Future
Microsoft and its major gaming platform may be best known for multiplayer games, but it’s possible that they are looking to diversify their offerings in the near future. Allegedly, more single-player titles are in the works at both Microsoft and its umbrella studios.