Gaming News

TheDealExperts gaming news category contains news articles discussing breaking and trending news about everything gaming. From games to consoles and accessories, TheDealExperts gaming news covers it all. Ensure you don’t miss out on new breaking news by checking back for new articles daily.

The Last Of Us Remake

Developer Naughty Dog Says The Last of Us Remake Is Being Worked On

Thanks to a new report from Bloomberg, a lot of the behind-the-scenes projects going down at PlayStation have been revealed, at least to an extent. That includes a whole lot of information, but for us, the most important of all that information is the fact that Naughty Dog is apparently working on a The Last of Us remake. That’s the most noteworthy to us, but we’d be remiss to not mention that Days Gone studio Sony Bend is apparently working on yet another Uncharted game. Unfortunately, Days Gone is not going to get a sequel, according to the report.
E3 Expo 2021

Turns Out That E3 2021 Will Be Completely Virtual

E3 is a gaming expo that has long been a major part of the community. Unfortunately, with scandals in its leadership and problems caused by COVID-19, it goes without saying that E3 has been in a tight space for quite a while. However, it is making a return in 2021, though it will be in a different capacity than it was before. There was a teaser of sorts last week, but the Entertainment Software Association has officially announced their plans for the upcoming E3, which they have described as "reimagined" and "all-virtual.” This year, this all-virtual event is going to be from...
Pokemon Snap Nintendo

The New Pokémon Snap Closely Follows the Formula of the Nintendo 64 Original, and...

If you’re a Pokémon fan that has been around since the age of the Nintendo 64, then you almost definitely remember Pokemon Snap, one of the most interesting and beloved spinoffs of a franchise that mostly involves having superpowered animals fight. Despite so immensely popular, it took more than two decades for Nintendo to actually deem a sequel worthwhile, but it’s finally happened. By the end of next month, we’ll finally have our sequel to the original Pokemon Snap, and based on what we’ve seen from the preview demonstration, it seems to keep fairly well with the original formula.
EA Play Xbox Game Pass

EA Play Being Added to Xbox Game Pass for PC, Adding Over 60 New...

Most everyone knows about Game Pass these days: it’s the Microsoft subscription service that grants you access to a huge library of games, for a monthly fee. Since its inception, Game Pass has been very well received, since it is a very affordable way for gamers to experience a wide variety of titles without paying for each and every one of them. Needless to say, $15 for a month’s worth of access to a hundred games or more is a pretty good deal.
Marvel's Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers Roadmap Includes Black Panther, Black Widow Event, New Story, And More

During the recent showcase from publisher Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics revealed their roadmap for the immediate future of Marvel’s Avengers video game. In their announcement, they revealed upcoming content in order to let fans know that the game would be getting more, and that support was ongoing. Perhaps most importantly, the showcase confirmed that the game will see the addition of new characters to the roster, such as Black Panther.
GameStop Stock Reddit

GameStop (GME) Is Up Over 6500% Over The Last Year – Does That Mean...

It wasn’t that long ago, so most everyone probably remembers the Reddit fueled Wall Street battle for GameStop that happened earlier this year. Thanks to very large number of people trying to bump up the chain’s value, GameStop’s stock value is actually ten times higher right now than it was at the beginning of 2021. One might think this was actually a good thing for the company, having good value after the debacle that was 2020, but unfortunately, this stock increase has very little to do with the actual performance of the business. This is made pretty clear by GameStop’s fourth quarter and 2020 fiscal year results.
Sony Evo Gaming

PlayStation Buys EVO Championship Series Fighting Game Tournament

In a recent announcement made by Sony, it has been stated that PlayStation has acquired the rights to the Evolution Fighting Games Tournament, better known by its abbreviation, EVO. On the Sony Interactive Entertainment blog, Sony claims that EVO is to begin the next chapter of Esports for PlayStation and its many multiplayer titles. This acquisition also includes a partnership with esports venture RTS. The reveal will be a heavily online-focused event starting on August 6th and again on August 13th. Each event will last 3 days, ending on the 8th and the 15th respectively.
Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite Devs Reveal Some New Information About the Game: Dual-Wielding, Playable Elites, and...

Very recently, Microsoft released a deep and thorough 44-minute video with a number of Halo Infinite developers, in which they spent that time answering the questions of fans. Halo Infinite was supposed to release as a launch title for the Xbox Series X|S, but that didn’t happen because the devs felt it needed more time to be complete. Naturally, fans have had a lot of questions about the game now that they know it’ll be getting more time in the oven, including whether or not the infamous dual-wielding will make a return, or whether there will be playable Elites in the game.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is Getting a New Game, A Retro Brawler Called Shredder’s Revengevideo

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is Getting a New Game, A Retro Brawler Called Shredder’s...

If there’s one thing that would evoke images of an earlier time in media, it’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They’re zany, they’re kind of ridiculous, and they’re classic enough to have a bunch of games on consoles that today’s kids don’t even know existed. NES? It’s practically a floppy disk to kids these days. Needless to say, the heroes in a half shell have been around the block: they’re old, and attempts to reboot them over the years have been met with mixed results.
Microsoft Bethesda Games

Microsoft Confirms That Bethesda Will Now Develop Games That Are Xbox and PC Exclusive:...

Following approval from a number of regulators in both Europe and the United States, it’s official: Microsoft’s $7.5 million deal to buy ZeniMax is over and done with. Naturally, Microsoft had some things to say about the acquisition and what it means for the future of Bethesda, the well-known name behind immensely famous series like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. The most important bit of information for gamers is the confirmation that Bethesda will indeed be making games that are exclusive to Xbox and PC in the future. Before PlayStation fans freak out, don’t worry: only some games from the studio will be exclusive, not all of them.
Sony PS5 Games

The Best Way to Track Down a PS5 During Poor Stock Situations

New consoles are hard to find when they are first released, under any circumstances. But with COVID going on, causing delays and stock shortages, getting your hands on a PS5 is extremely difficult right now. When these much-desired pieces of technology are restocked, they are almost always bought out in an extremely short amount of time. In other words, it’s really hard to find these things, and we’re going to go over how to maximize your chances of finding one for yourself.
Mario Nintendo Switch

A New Mario Themed Red and Blue Nintendo Switch is Now Available

Everyone remembers the scenario with the Nintendo Switch, in which it was nearly impossible to find the console at a fair price. Scalpers were at large, stock was coming in pretty slowly, and people were buying the things as fast as they appear on shelves. Thankfully the situation isn’t quite as bad anymore, though things aren’t perfect. That being said, if you still haven’t gotten your hands on a Nintendo Switch or you just want another one for whatever reason, there’s a new limited-edition Mario-themed Red and Blue Nintendo Switch that just came out for you to consider.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Game

Changes Being Made To Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Almost every RPG lover in existence has heard by now that the illustrious Mass Effect trilogy is getting a special, remastered edition of sorts. In a recent presentation, BioWare did us all the favor of highlighting exactly what those changes are going to be. Several members of the BioWare team provided details regarding what types of enhancements and quality of life improvements gamers could look forward to. Such improvements include but are not limited to: gameplay adjustments, performance upgrades, Integrating downloadable content, a revamped character creator and other quality of life improvements. The reveal trailer for all of this debuted on February 2nd while also announcing the Legendary Edition’s not terribly far off release date of May 14th.
Valve Steam Gaming

Valve Faces Lawsuit for Actively Maintaining High Game Prices and Creating Barriers for Game...

Ah, Steam. For years now, it’s been one of the top places to go for PC gamers to get their hands on titles from across the decades. It’s a nifty platform that makes managing one’s PC gaming library a lot easier, and it even supports mods through the client for many of those games. Needless to say, it has a fairly good reputation with the public. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. In fact, there’s apparently a darker side to Steam and the Valve overlords who run it, if recent legal activity is anything to go by.
Yakuza 3, 4 And 5 Remastered Is Now Available On PC And Xbox, Making Most Of The Series Available For These Platformsvideo

Yakuza 3, 4 And 5 Remastered Is Now Available On PC And Xbox, Making...

Everyone knows about console exclusive games and series. Sometimes, there are video games you can only play if you do so on a certain platform. It’s terrible for people that want to play and don’t have that console, and one of the most lamentable cases was that of the legendary Yakuza series. Yakuza is an action-adventure video game developed by Sega that was originally released on the PlayStation 2 in 2005
Xbox Gold Games

There Are Five Games with Gold on Xbox for February 2021, Including Gears 5

Usually, there’s only four free games with an Xbox Live Gold subscription per month. However, this time Xbox is being awfully generous, with five games instead, one of which is a pretty major title. For all the Xbox gamers that have a Gold subscription, the five games they will get for free in February are Resident Evil, Dandara: Trial of Fears Edition, Lost Planet 2, Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb, and Gears 5, by far the most noteworthy of the bunch. As always, the games remain freely accessible and playable so long as you have a valid Xbox Live Gold subscription, which, thankfully, Microsoft decided to keep at its usual price after considering an increase. They’re all playable on both the Xbox One and the new Series X/S.
Xbox Live Gold

Xbox Has Reversed Their Decision to Increase the Price of Xbox Live Gold Subscriptions,...

People that have been keeping tabs on the online Xbox community may have been aware that Microsoft was looking to change the price of Xbox Live Gold subscriptions. This change in pricing was originally going to be an extra dollar for one month of Gold ($11) and an extra five dollars for three months of Gold ($30). Needless to say, a lot of the Xbox community was unhappy about this, and they made sure to let Microsoft know. The good news is that Microsoft actually listened!
Ubisoft Gaming

Ubisoft Is Developing A New Open-World Star Wars Game

2020 was a rough year for media, even the ever-popular Star Wars series. But thankfully for fans, Ubisoft has kicked off 2021 by announcing their partnership with Lucasfilm Games and Disney in order to produce a brand-new Star Wars game. The development team in charge will be led by Julian Gerighty and Mass Entertainment, a duo that is most well-known for the game series “The Division.”
KFC Game Console

There Is Well And Truly A Functioning KFC Game Console: And It Keeps Your...

We would not blame anyone for thinking that the above statement is some sort of joke. However, we can absolutely assure that it is not. It may be hard to believe, but KFC has a game console now. Oh, and it keeps your chicken warm.
PS5 PS4 Games

PS5 Receives A New Update That Lets Players Know When They Are Playing PS4...

With our new next-generation consoles being capable of playing games from the previous generation, naturally, there is some room for confusion, especially when a game has both an old and new generation version. Thankfully for PlayStation users, a new update for the PS5 adds alerts if the console notices that you are, probably unintentionally, running the last-gen version of a game that has a PS5 version available to play. Through this update, Sony has addressed an issue that has been plaguing its users since the new console became available to them.