The Future of Social Media Marketing: 11 Trends You Need to Know in 2022
Looking at the increasing importance of social media in consumer lives, business owners and marketers have started using these platforms to connect with their target audiences.
Social media marketing has evolved from a trend to an inevitable marketing strategy today. However, there is a constant overload on these channels and a cut-throat competition for attention.
Staying on top of the latest trends can help fuel your social media marketing strategy and help you stand out.
Here are the top social media trends you should be aware of in 2021 and beyond.
How To Pick the Best Credit Cards for Travel
Everyone loves to travel. Seeing new sights, experiencing unique foods, and exploring fun destinations make going on a vacation one of the most enjoyable activities around. It’s a fantastic way to relieve stress, get away from the everyday grind, and recharge your mental batteries. Sadly, the problem is that many people don’t have the time or money to take these fun trips. While we can’t fix the time part, we can improve the money side. By picking the best credit cards for travel, you’ll be able to rack up free flights in no time – making that dream destination much closer than you ever imagined!
What makes for the best credit card deal when it comes to travel? Glad you asked! Let’s take a look at what these credit cards are and how they can help you get closer to relaxing on a lovely vacation, wherever that may be!
How To Get The Best Credit Cards for Students
Learning how to manage credit responsibly is one of the most valuable skills that you’ll ever obtain. Having a top credit score unlocks many opportunities in life. It’s the key to homeownership, the key, for many, to be able to afford a car, and the key to not paying thousands of unnecessary dollars in interest. Of course, college is the perfect time for most students to learn about credit and show that you can manage it responsibly. Credit card companies tend to have robust, comprehensive student offerings that are more forgiving of sparse or non-existent credit history. With the best credit cards for students, you’ll be well-equipped to earn rewards and build a solid credit history.
Before getting into what student credit cards are the best, let’s explore what student credit cards are, how they’re different from “regular” ones, and why you should get one.
Top Credit Cards for Bad Credit: Your Guide To the Best Options
If you have bad credit, you might think that there’s no way that a credit card company would approve you for a new credit card. However, no matter what your credit score is – from the lowest score of 300 to the highest of 850 – there is always a credit card that you can get. Secured cards are still an option, but if you don’t want to put money down to have a credit line, there are usually unsecured cards that you can get as well. If your credit score could use a little work and you’re in the market for a card, here’s everything you need to know about the top credit cards for bad credit.
Top Credit Cards for Cash Back – Get More Cash Back With These Tips
As anyone who has been recently looking at credit cards knows, there are many different options out there. There’s so much variation with the amounts of cashback you get, the stores where you get the most cashback, and even how frequently you can cash out your cashback! Cash back credit cards are, arguably, one of the most competitive sectors in the industry. Each company is consistently trying to outdo the other!
As a consumer, though, all you care about is getting the best deal. You want the card is going to give you the most cash back on your purchases. Fortunately, despite the countless cards on the market now, picking the best cash back credit card is easier than it looks. Here’s everything you need to know to snag the perfect deal!
Top Store Credit Cards for Deals and Offers
Store credit cards have grown significantly in popularity. During the earliest days of retail, store credit was all that existed. Shopkeepers would keep tabs open for people, and customers could spend up to a specific limit with the store owner. If the customer didn’t pay it back, the owner would either refuse them more business or sue them. Then, the idea of a single card that multiple merchants could use came from the Diners Club card’s invention back in the 1950s. Now, as retailers look to compete fiercely for customers in today’s age, we’re going back to companies offering store credit cards deals as incentives to shop with them.
A retailer can offer more cash back opportunities and other perks for shopping with them than a third-party credit card can. In theory, this idea is fantastic. The customer saves money, gets the financing they need, and the retailer gets the sale and brand loyalty.
At TheDealExperts, we’re always looking out for the top deals to help you save where you can. We evaluate each card to see if it’s worth applying for or if another card might be better!
Top 5 Clothing Websites to Get the Best Deals
Shopping for clothes is the worst. You know what I’m talking about. There are thousands of different clothing outlets online, not to mention the boutiques and department stores at your local mall.
Your first problem is cherry-picking the stores that sell the exact items you’re looking for. Then, from those options, you have to decide which one sells those items at a price that fits your budget. And if you want to commit to environmentally friendly shopping practices, well, there’s problem number three.
But here’s a secret: it doesn’t have to be that hard. There are a few sites you can go to that make clothes shopping ten times easier. Not all of them tick every single criterion, but that’s why we listed more than one. Using the five options below, success in finding the perfect item for the best price (and sometimes even the best quality) is almost guaranteed.
Choosing Growth Will Fuel Your Wealth
A growth mindset is what you must adopt when it comes to your finances. A fire spark inside of you will only fuel you with Growth two, even ten years down the road.
According to a study published called "The Neuroscience of Growth Mindset and Intrinsic Motivation," it states, "growth-minded individuals perceive task setbacks as a necessary part of the learning process, and they bounce back by increasing their motivational effort."
How can a growth mindset develop your ability to grow your finances or wealth?
First, it will allow you to take on more risk. Do you have an extra $5,000? Try learning everything about long term wealth building.
On the other hand, you could start trading stocks and options. But first, you must learn everything there is about the subject matter.
Let's spin back to Bill and Charlie and see how each of them would approach building wealth.
Best Asset Classes To Invest In To Diversify Your Income
Everyone knows of the typical asset: stocks. From hiring a financial advisor to doing it on your own investing, stocks are the specific investment vehicle for most retail investors.
Have you ever thought about diversifying your investment income with other high-quality asset types? The new hype these days in the 21st century is cryptocurrency. Another great asset class are commodities such as gold or future contracts.
No matter what situation you are in, diversifying your income is the primary key to substantial wealth and comfortable retirement if done correctly and strategically.
In this article, I will go over other asset classes to help you build your wealth in the long term. I will also cover which asset classes to pick, depending on your risk tolerance.
5 Tips To Manage Splurge Spending
With so many stores in the palm of our hand, it can be difficult to manage your “splurge spending” into a small fixed amount. Of course, you deserve to spend money on yourself, every once and while. But the ease of shopping and simple spending can lead you to lose track of that splurge spending, turning it into regular spending.
Smart Shopping For Clothes Online – Finding the Best Deals
Shopping for clothes should be easier in a digital environment, unfortunately, international sellers and fake shops claim victims every day. How can you be sure to get the best product when shopping for clothes online?
Familiar Retailers:
To always guarantee the product and price shopping online from regular retail stores is the safest bet. It is tempting to go straight to the largest online marketplace, Amazon, try thinking about the stores you would go to at a mall.
Why Bundling Your Streaming Services Can Save You Time And Money
The age of cable is coming to an end and streaming is booming! Many millennials have found ease in simply subscribing to a channel. There are so many to choose from you can quickly rack up a bill rivaling that of Comcast.
Bundling your streaming services is the smartest way to get the most content for the best value.
How To Shop For Games And Get Deals Like A Pro
We have all found new hobbies in the age of quarantine, some of them fairly expensive. You may have found in your stay at home adventures the escape video games can bring. Whether you have a console or play on PC the price of playing doesn’t always come cheap.
Best Tools To Track Your Spending
You’ve started to budget your money, but how are you tracking your spending? If you’re not tracking and checking your spending habits you can’t effectively manage your budget.
Some banks help keep track of your spending habits, however, you can better analyze your spending habits with these tools. Now that checkbooks are dead some of us have to adapt to new methods.
How To Properly Utilize Subscribe & Save Options
There are plenty of monthly boxes and product subscriptions out there, but will they really save you money? With too many options for any type of item out there we are going to blanket all subscription programs that give you a discount for having regular shipments and multiple products.
From hygiene to grocery you can subscribe to regular delivery to your home, all for a convenient price - but what is the real value of that price? Before signing up for a monthly fee, consider how it will actually affect your wallet. If you don’t normally buy a product regularly, maybe that 5% discount is really 95% an unnecessary expense?
How to Harness the Gig Economy
Have you ever felt like you wanted more out of life? Getting up each morning and doing the same old routine day in and day out is dreadful. Do you find yourself sitting at your desk at work twiddling your thumbs waiting until the clock strikes five or five-thirty?
My story resonates well with someone who was dreadfully fed up with the nine to five grind. I needed to find purpose in my life and go after that purpose with everything I had.
The 21st century is a whole new era. Many people have taken on work outside of their regular job and eventually started their passive income full time. Work ranging from contract positions to full-time side hustles, there is an endless array of opportunities.
Budgeting for Beginners: A Guide to Assessing Goals, Budgeting Rules and Expense Planning
Budgeting is an essential skill a beginner can have. Being equipped with proper budgeting skills will lower stress levels and will make you smile with less stress. Creating a spreadsheet or tracking expenses through an app will help you take control of your spending habits.
When I was younger, I did not know, nor did I care about tracking each of my expenses. My spending habits were out of control. I would spend money on countless items such as clothes, courses I would never use again, and eating out impulsively. Guess what? I learned the HARD way!
Max Out Your Shopping Dollars And Shop Smarter
Couponing has a powerful lure. Years ago, my interest sparked by reality TV shows, I decided to try “extreme couponing” in order to score free groceries.
Free? Hardly. It did not work out that way. I did save money - maybe 40% or 50% or more off of my total tab. But it took hours of meticulous planning (with spreadsheets and coupon binders) in order to make a grocery store run. Trips that once took 30-60 minutes were taking 2.5 to 3 hours. (Takes time to read and reread all the fine print. I need to buy how many to get the savings? What color? What flavor?)
And then checkout would be a nightmare. The scowls and dirty looks of shoppers behind me. The terrified cashier who needed my emotional coaching in order to get through the mountain of paper deals.
I still clip the occasional coupon, but my extreme couponing days are done. For most people, it’s not worth the time and energy. But there are other ways you can still score mega deals when you shop in-store or online.
7 Online Classes New College Students Should Take
One of the first lessons I learned out of college was this- college didn’t prepare me for anything that actually mattered. With a large number of college grads struggling to enter the workplace year after year as well as the rate of student debt skyrocketing, the need to develop new skills may matter more now than ever before. These are seven online courses available throughout the internet that will help you develop yourself into a more marketable individual as a result.
5 Basic Principles For New Investors
When the economy is in shambles, people jump in to learn how to invest for the first time. When the economy is doing remarkably, people are still learning how to invest. Either way, there is no such thing as a bad time to learn how to invest, so you might as well learn it now, especially if you’re reading this. I’m not a certified financial planner and you should do your own research, but here are my personal principles that I feel new investors should know before they start investing their hard-earned money.