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Twitch News

Twitch Offline

Twitch Viewership Suffers a Decline Due to the #ADayOffTwitch Campaign

On September 1st, many popular Twitch streamers refused to go live in order to protest the troublesome and derogatory hate raids that have been happening on their platform of choice. A raid on Twitch is typically started when a streamer ends their own stream, but brings their viewers to another creator's stream to show support. Normally, this is a positive way to spread viewership and introduces viewers to new content they might enjoy. Hate raids are the exact opposite, with the intent to target marginalized creators with bots and plenty of real people. Such hate raids are often full of slander, insults, and all sorts of other nasty things...
Twitch Subscriptions

Changes to Twitch Subscription Prices are Coming For a Majority of Countries Relatively Soon

It goes without saying that the value of money varies from country to country. This can be a problem when it comes to international subscription services that are trying to make universal prices for all of the countries they offer their services to. One such business is Twitch, the Amazon-owned streaming service. That’s why Twitch will soon be making a varied series of subscription pricing changes for countries outside of the United States.
Amazon Prime Members will get Access to these 5 Games for Free in October

Amazon Prime Members will get Access to these 5 Games for Free in October

Amazon Prime is an expensive subscription; in fact, in comparison to most things you can subscribe to, it is definitely near the top in terms of how much money you spend a year. That...
Amazon expected to generate close to $5.8 billion in sales, study suggests

Amazon expected to generate close to $5.8 billion in sales, study suggests

Amazon Prime Day, launched in 2015, marks one of the biggest shopping days for the online retail giant. Started as a celebration of its 20th anniversary, Prime Day now sees increasing consumer interest and sales projections.