Without much of an announcement at all, four brand new games have been added to the Nintendo Switch eShop. The again, Nintendo’s Direct Mini presentation was also a surprise, so it is two for two. Within the many announcements put forward by that presentation is the aforementioned four games that you can buy right this very second, if so inclined.
The four available games are the class Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Shinsekai: Into the Depths, Good Job and the remake of the beloved classic Panzer Dragoon. On top of that, the Direct Mini presentation made a mention of Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer coming soon, so when that comes around we’ll have another classic ready and raring to go.
4 New Nintendo Switch Games
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
As for the games that are ports or remakes, most people probably already know about them. Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy lets you create your own character who is a student of Luke Skywalker as he seeks to rebuild the Jedi Order following the events of Return of the Jedi. Of course, the lore is entirely separate from the Sequel trilogy (thank goodness, let’s be honest) since the game was made long before any of those films, so don’t expect there to be any continuity between the two.
Shinsekai: Into the Depths
Shinsekai is a very atmospheric underwater exploration game published by Capcom. It was a timed exclusive for Apple Arcade last year, so being able to play it on the Switch now is a great surprise.
Good Job
As for the games that aren’t ports or remakes of classic titles, Good Job is a puzzle game in which you must work your way up the corporate ladder in an unnamed company.
Panzer Dragoon Remake
Panzer Dragoon is simple enough to explain: they are on-rails games in which you fly a dragon and resist the forces of an evil empire as you go about saving the world. Lots of emphasis on the dragon bit. Panzer Dragoon Orta was a cult classic and this remake is certain to be well-received.
On top of all of this is the demo for Bravely Default 2, a sequel to the critically acclaimed RPG by Square Enix. Granted, this is not a brand-new game, but it is something you can play at your discretion, so it is still something new to do for anyone that needed a new means of Switch entertainment.
The Nintendo Direct Mini included a number of other great announcements, involving many 2K games including XCOM, Borderlands and BioShock, as well as the April update for the just recently released Animal Crossing and the next fighter reveal for Smash Bros.
Of course, if you want to learn about all of that, you should probably just go check out the presentation yourself. You can find the presentation pretty much anywhere online, including YouTube and of course the official Nintendo website. It is around thirty minutes long, so it’s a long watch, but the extensive array of information contained in that presentation is well worth it.
Related: Where to Buy a Nintendo Switch
Joe is a senior editor and all-around deal guru at blog.thedealexperts.com. He specializes in travel, tech, credit cards, and overall finding the best deals around. In his free time, Joe enjoys spending time exploring, surfing, traveling, and seeing the world, where some of his recent adventures have taken him to places like Bali, Australia, and all over Africa.