The first batch of free DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 has been recently unveiled, but unfortunately, it’s not quite as impressive as many players were hoping for. It was during a live Twitch Stream that employees from the developer gave everyone a breakdown of the new content the DLC brought to the table, as well as the contents of Patch 1.3.
This first batch of free DLC is purely cosmetic, which isn’t really a problem in and of itself, but even for (or perhaps especially for) a cosmetic DLC, it’s very small. There are only four items included, that being an alternate outfit for Johnny Silverhand, two jackets, and one car. If you wish to access this DLC, you can do so in-game via the Additional Content tab in the main menu.
The jackets are both “rare/iconic” quality and can be accessed in V’s apartment once you have completed “The Ride” mission. The car, dubbed the Archer Quartz Bandit, can be bought after the player has completed Ghost Town. All well and good, but still kind of a letdown as far as player expectations were concerned.
Senior Level Designer Miles Toast assures players that this first DLC is small for a reason. It’s because Patch 1.3 is the biggest update for Cyberpunk 2077 since its release, and the team had to devote most of their focus to that. As such, this small DLC is really just icing on the cake that is Patch 1.3 itself. With future updates probably being smaller than Patch 1.3, future DLC should also be larger, since the team will be able to focus more time and resources on it. Toast said as much during the Twitch live stream.
“This patch is our biggest one to date. We’ve put a lot of effort into this one, so consider the DLCs that we have now as sort of goodies, sort of cherries on top. The reality of course, and we’ve talked about this in the past, is that we differentiate a bit between different kinds of extra content, between DLCs, additional items of which we will have plenty coming down the road, and of course the giant expansion passes which we will have something to say about later.”
This plan is very similar to the way that CDPR handled The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It got 16 batches of free DLC before actually getting its huge 2015 and 2016 expansions. President Adam Kiciński even said in 2020 that this was the plan of action for Cyberpunk 2077, or at least that it would be very similar.
Senior quest designer Patrick Mills said that, while all DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 will be free, there will be no consistent size between them. Moreover, none of the DLC will even come close to the scope of the larger add-ons that CDPR is planning for the game somewhere down the road. There’s been no word of what those expansions will be, but Mills did confirm that it would cost money to get.
As of right now, there is not an exact date as to when Patch 1.3 or the first batch of DLC will be available. CDPR simply said that fans can expect it sometime in the near future.
Joe is a senior editor and all-around deal guru at He specializes in travel, tech, credit cards, and overall finding the best deals around. In his free time, Joe enjoys spending time exploring, surfing, traveling, and seeing the world, where some of his recent adventures have taken him to places like Bali, Australia, and all over Africa.