Call of Duty is the type of franchise that really just keeps on going and branching out, cranking out new releases at breakneck speeds. Granted, they aren’t always good, but at least there’s always something new right around the corner. Call of Duty Mobile was one of the newest goals for the franchise, and it received an early release on Monday. The Launch was a bit rough, but the game is now available on both iOS and Android platforms.
The game had some issues with starting and freezing, but the developers have been looking into it, and hopefully, fixing most of these problems.
Call of Duty Mobile was developed jointly by Tencent and Timi Studios, and is a free to play experience that is allegedly ‘brimming with content’ from both the Modern Warfare and Black Ops series of the mainline games. It supposedly has a fully customizable control scheme, several different game types, many popular characters from the franchise, lots of different weapons to choose from, and even a Battle Royale mode. It is currently free to download and play on both iOS and Android devices.
The game includes many popular game types, such as Search and Destroy, Team Deathmatch, and Gun Game, as well as many extremely beloved maps, like Nuketown and Hijacked. The devs have stated that the game will receive regular seasonal updates, though it’s a bit unclear as to what kind of content those updates will include. All we know is that some of them will be community events that help unlock rewards for all players.
The game also has the ability to play the battle royale mode in single, duo, or quad squad setups, and has both first and third person functionality, so it’s safe to say that this mobile game does indeed have a lot of the bells and whistles you would expect considering the name that is on the line. That said, it’s also pretty clear that the experience will be decidedly multiplayer, with no single player content to speak of. This means that no signature CoD campaign will be available, but considering how often these games are put out by their mother company, it’s not like anyone will have to wait very long to get more than that.
You could jump into the mobile experience right away, but all things considered you might want to wait a little bit for the bugs to be ironed out.
Mark is a senior editor and retail/deals enthusiast at He specializes in finding the best deals available in-store and online. In his spare time, mark enjoys taking his pups on hikes, camping, fishing and getting on the road.