A Five-Year Plan for Destiny 2 means a Sequel is Probably Nowhere in Sight

Destiny 2 came out back in 2017; that’s not terribly old, but with Bungie revealing a five year roadmap of sorts for the game, starting October 1st, it seems that a Destiny 3 is well and truly a far off prospect.

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With a few exceptions, it seems like video games are starting to follow one collective trend; the gap between franchise installments is getting longer and longer. It seems that we have to wait several years now between games in almost any series, and that includes ones we usually don’t associate with such things, like shooters. Destiny 2 came out back in 2017; that’s not terribly old, but with Bungie revealing a five year roadmap of sorts for the game, starting October 1st, it seems that a Destiny 3 is well and truly a far off prospect. Is there a 2 year plan for Destiny? While we don’t know whether or not there’s a Destiny 2 year plan, we are confident that there is a sequel in the near future.

But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Some games don’t need a sequel so soon, especially if the game developer is determined to keep it alive with constant updates and new content. Thankfully this five year plan of Bungie’s makes it pretty obvious that they plan on keeping Destiny 2 alive and interesting. There’s no need for a sequel if the current game still enraptures the fans.

That said, Bungie plans to pretty much overhaul the entire game, changing nearly every major aspect of it. Supposedly enemies, armor, events, and even the game world itself are going to change. The studio says it wants to “build Destiny for its core fans the people who love it.”

Apparently the main goal is to make players feel as though their actions have meaning, and that the drive the universe forward. Admittedly, the game was lacking this element for most of its runtime; none of the missions you did aside from the main questline really amounted to anything important in the grand scheme of the lore. You really felt as though you were just doing chores, crossing tasks off a checklist in your hunt for better loot or meaningful entertainment.

The Shadowkeep update coming on October 1st will be the first step in implementing this, by adding new missions and raids that will have serious implications on the universe of the game, and that will connect to later seasons down the line. In short, you’ll finally be able to feel like there’s some weight to the things you’re doing. There will be a host of new additions as well, including weapons, armor, enemies, and the return of the character stat screen, since your build will become more important than ever when the update hits.

But, at the end of the day, this amounts to confirmation that Destiny 3 is at least five years away, provided that everything goes according to plan. But, if the new added content is good enough to keep the game enjoyable for that long, there’s really nothing to complain about.

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