As is tradition at this point, Target has once again launched a car seat trade-in program, which has always proven to be very popular. This time around, customers who trade in their old car seats will receive a coupon for 20% off of select items; namely, car seats, car seat bases, strollers, travel systems, or baby equipment for the home, such as rockers, bouncers, and high chairs. Target is working together with Waste Management to recycle the old car seats you turn in and converting them into new products. A Target statement read as follows:
“As our guests increasingly look for products and experiences that are good for them, their families and the planet, we are making it easy to have a positive impact on the environment through trade-in programs.”
The length of this program is brief, however; you can only trade in your car seats up to September 13th, though the coupon you receive will be valid until September 14th.
On the other hand, Walmart is launching its own car seat trade-in program this year as well. It’s the same general idea in regards to turning in an old car seat, but what you get in return is a little different. The advantage is, you get a $30 Walmart gift card, so unlike Target, you can spend that money on what you want, rather than select items. However, booster seats aren’t eligible, and the trade-in limit is just two car seats per household. The Walmart program will also be running at a later date then the Target program, from September 16th to September 30th.
If the trade-in program ends up being very successful, it’s likely that Walmart will be more invested in repeating them in the coming years. But, considering that the deal is a bit better for customers than the Target alternative, it doesn’t seem like there’s much chance of things falling through. Lots of people have car seats they don’t need any longer, or old ones that need to be replaced for the safety of their children. These trade-in programs are a great way to facilitate recycling, and are one of the best ways for parents to replace their car seats and ensure that they get something worthwhile out of it. So, if you have one such car seat yourself, or even two in Walmart’s case, be sure to keep these program dates in mind so you can make the most of it.
Joe is a senior editor and all-around deal guru at He specializes in travel, tech, credit cards, and overall finding the best deals around. In his free time, Joe enjoys spending time exploring, surfing, traveling, and seeing the world, where some of his recent adventures have taken him to places like Bali, Australia, and all over Africa.