Amazon Prime Members will get Access to these 5 Games for Free in October

Serial Cleaner, Adam Wolfe, Stranger Things 3: The Game, The Walking Dead: Michonne and Deadlight: Director’s Cut.

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Amazon Prime is an expensive subscription; in fact, in comparison to most things you can subscribe to, it is definitely near the top in terms of how much money you spend a year. That said, it sure is nice that access to Amazon Prime gets you so many nice things, one of which is regular access to free games. This October, Amazon Prime members will have access to five different games at no extra cost.

See All Free Games on Twitch This Month (scroll to bottom, under ‘Games with Prime’)

To be fair, the place you’re getting the free games from is actually Twitch Prime, but that’s included with all Amazon Prime memberships. Twitch Prime offers up free PC games every month, and we’re already aware of which free games are going to be available for subscribers in the next month.

First up are three games that don’t have quite the reputation in the industry, but that by no means implies that they are bad games; just not notably popular. This trio includes the story-driven stealth-focused game Serial Cleaner, the mystery puzzle game Adam Wolfe, and the video game tie-in to the third season of Netflix’s Stranger Things 3: The Game. All of them are available for free this month, so whether or not you’re interested in them, it wouldn’t take anything more than time to give them a try and see whether or not they’re up your alley.

On the more notable side, one of the free PC games available this month is The Walking Dead: Michonne from Telltale. It’s a 3 episode miniseries that is based on the Walking Dead comic book series. The game covers the story of Michonne from the time she leaves Grimes’ group and heads into the unknown by her lonesome. Like with most games from Telltale, the choices you make within the game can have serious repercussions later on in the story.

The final free game for Twitch Prime members during October is Deadlight: Director’s Cut. A side scrolling survival horror platformer that originally debuted in 2012. The Director’s Cut was an edition that released in 2016, with enhanced graphics, controls, and animations. The Director’s Cut also has a couple of extra game modes over the original, as well as an alternate ending to the main story.

While these games are all indeed free, remember that they will only remain so for October. On the last day of the month, they will no longer be available, so be sure to get your hands on any titles that interest you while you still have the chance to do so.

See All Free Games on Twitch This Month (scroll to bottom, under ‘Games with Prime’)

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Joe is a senior editor and all-around deal guru at He specializes in travel, tech, credit cards, and overall finding the best deals around. In his free time, Joe enjoys spending time exploring, surfing, traveling, and seeing the world, where some of his recent adventures have taken him to places like Bali, Australia, and all over Africa.