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Walmart Uses AI To Prevent Checkout Theft

Walmart Uses AI To Prevent Checkout Theft

Ever get the feeling you’re being watched? Usually it’s a person, keeping an eye out, to make sure goods aren’t being shoplifted. Walmart has gotten ahead of the curve though and is already employing artificial intelligence to take care of this problem for them. Over 1,000 Walmart stores have AI using their cameras to ensure that every item in a person’s bag or buggy is paid for before they step out the door.
Walmart Kroger in Lead on Implementing Tech in Grocery Stores

Walmart, Kroger in Lead on Implementing Tech in Grocery Stores

Both Walmart and Kroger have introduced new tech developments into their stores. From buying groceries online to developing apps to give customers discounts, retail stores are jumping on the e-commerce train to provide digital services.
Walmart Store

Walmart’s Unlimited Grocery Service Begins Now

Walmart already had existing pickup and delivery options when it came to their groceries, but now they’ve upped the ante with Delivery Unlimited, an expansion to the service that will cost $98 a year....
Where Walmart and Target are Closing the Gap with Amazon

Where Walmart and Target are Closing the Gap with Amazon

Target and Walmart are both gaining serious ground in the e-commerce warzone, and against their main opponent Amazon no less. Now, don’t take this to mean that the two companies are really stepping up...
Walmart Store

Walmart’s Website Crashes As Soon As Black Friday Deals Begin…

When the clock struck midnight on Thursday, November 22, Walmart let the Black Friday deals loose.  It appears they didn't accurately predict how many shoppers they would actually have, and as a result the...