Tech News
Laptop Computers Go On Sale Just In Time For Back-To-School Shopping
Walking through any brick and mortar store, or browsing through any online store these days it's hard not to notice all the back-to-school sales that are currently going on. It is now one of those various times throughout the year that retailers put forth their best deals in an attempt to woo shoppers during this end-of-the-summer period when parents are shopping for the new school year for everything from clothing to school supplies.
Amazon is Looking to Take their Business to the Stars
Amazon is one of the largest, wealthiest business enterprises in the world. This is mostly due to their willingness to branch out and try nearly anything. Not all of their ventures have been extremely profitable, such as the lackluster Fire Phone, but many others have been extremely fruitful, allowing Amazon to branch beyond what they originally were in e-commerce, and into B2B commerce, smart speakers, digital advertising, and cloud computing. Yes, all of these financial ventures have been very successful, but they certainly won’t be Amazon’s crowning achievement; if their next plan works out, that is.
Walmart Begins Using Virtual Reality to Train Employees
Walmart is the largest private employer in the United States, and they have started to use virtual reality headsets to test the aptitude of employees in middle managements positions. These VR headsets put potential candidates in real life situations to test them when it comes to things like calming irritated or angry shoppers or providing tours to brand new employees.
What Will 5G Do For The World?
By 2030, global mobile data traffic is expected to increase eight times its current rate, according to Ericsson, a leading provider of Information and Communication Technology to service providers, making the 5G revolution an eventual need in the tech industry.
Certain MacBook Pro Models Issued For Recall Due To Battery “Fire Safety Issue”
A recall statement from Apple suggests that MacBook Pros developed between September 2015 and February 2017 pose a fire safety risk due to the battery.
On June 20, Apple issued the recall to ensure customer...