Considering that Stadia’s greatest weakness is the relative lack of games available to it, it’s always good news to hear that it will be getting a few more. That said, Stadia will be getting three more games added to its arsenal soon enough, those three games being Republique, West of Loathing, and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. These three games will add an extra title to the line art comedy, sci-fi stealth, and 2D platformer genres. Even better, these three games are all spoken about in relatively high regard.
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a successor to the Wonder Boy series of yore from Sega, presenting a rather unique and satisfying combination of retro-style elements and modern mechanics. You start the game as Jin the warrior, with little more than a humble sword and shield. Throughout your adventure, you’ll gain the ability to transform into various animal forms, each with their own abilities and powers. While the story is quite straightforward, the game offers a lot of variety and some fantastic art, so it is definitely worth picking up for fans of 2D platformer games similar to the Metroid series.
Republique is quite a different story, a game that is a stealth thriller set in a sci-fi dystopia. It was originally released in various episodes, but you can play the entire game at once as of right now. That’s definitely good news, as the strongest suit of the game is absolutely its compelling and intriguing plot, so having to wait for new episodes to come out was a huge pain in the past. Without revealing too much of the meaningful content, suffice to say that you play as a hacker and guide a girl named Hope through a suspicious facility, using different camera angles to operate machinery to affect her progress.
Last but not least, you have West of Loathing. It’s a brief game focusing on slapstick comedy that uses stick figures to stereotype the old west in a manner that is both on the nose and amusing. While there is a combat element to this title, it is primarily an adventure game, with dialogue and characters being the main draw of the game as a whole. It’s ironic that a game with such simple animation style is so entertaining through good characters and dialogue.
Either way, it’s definitely great news that these games are coming to Stadia, seeing as how most everyone is stuck at home with social distancing. Google Stadia is a great way for people to keep themselves entertained while they go about waiting out the Coronavirus and its major impact on society. And with Stadia being free now, at least in a sense, getting three more games added to the list is a sweet deal. Of course, it’s worth noting that we aren’t getting these games right away. Google only announced that they were coming sometime this year. When exactly this year is a mystery, but we hope it will be soon.
Joe is a senior editor and all-around deal guru at He specializes in travel, tech, credit cards, and overall finding the best deals around. In his free time, Joe enjoys spending time exploring, surfing, traveling, and seeing the world, where some of his recent adventures have taken him to places like Bali, Australia, and all over Africa.