The Last of Us News
Developer Naughty Dog Says The Last of Us Remake Is Being Worked On
Thanks to a new report from Bloomberg, a lot of the behind-the-scenes projects going down at PlayStation have been revealed, at least to an extent. That includes a whole lot of information, but for us, the most important of all that information is the fact that Naughty Dog is apparently working on a The Last of Us remake. That’s the most noteworthy to us, but we’d be remiss to not mention that Days Gone studio Sony Bend is apparently working on yet another Uncharted game. Unfortunately, Days Gone is not going to get a sequel, according to the report.
Developer Naughty Dog Drops Online Multiplayer for Uncharted 2 & 3, as well as...
While most member of a franchise community migrate to a new game when it is releases, some older installments are so popular that they maintain their online player base years after release. Unfortunately, most of those gamers have to move on eventually, namely when online support for those games is discontinued. Unfortunately for fans, this is the case for Uncharted 2 & 3, as well as the Last of Us on PS3.