Sears News
Sears and Kmart Add 26 Store Closures to Growing List, More Closures May Come
As many stores reconsider their financial holdings and how to make a space in the e-commerce dominated market, several have chosen to close stores. After Walgreens announced 200 U.S. location store closures, Kmart and Sears will add 26 more to the growing list of 7,000-plus store closures for 2019.
The Retail Apocalypse is Frightening, but Walmart, Target and eBay Continue to Thrive
The past few years haven’t been kind to many department stores. Retailers across the country are floundering, their stocks cratering as they fail to adapt to the times. Sears is essentially gone, J.C. Penney is well on its way to the same fate, and other department stores, like Macy’s and Kohl’s are barely any better off. And yet, through all of that, Walmart and Target are actually growing. The gap between retailers struggling with a buildup of inventory before the holidays and those that are thriving is widening every day.