The New Pokémon Snap Closely Follows the Formula of the Nintendo 64 Original, and...
If you’re a Pokémon fan that has been around since the age of the Nintendo 64, then you almost definitely remember Pokemon Snap, one of the most interesting and beloved spinoffs of a franchise that mostly involves having superpowered animals fight. Despite so immensely popular, it took more than two decades for Nintendo to actually deem a sequel worthwhile, but it’s finally happened. By the end of next month, we’ll finally have our sequel to the original Pokemon Snap, and based on what we’ve seen from the preview demonstration, it seems to keep fairly well with the original formula.
Nintendo Says That The Switch Is Only At Its Midpoint Lifecycle, and That They...
It may be a little hard to believe, but at this point, the Nintendo Switch launched almost four years ago. It’s been some time, and due to that, Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser believes the Switch has just now, finally, entered the midpoint of its life cycle.
Deal Review: Nintendo Switch Lite
The Nintendo Switch may not really be ‘new’ anymore, but it’s still the most recent console from Nintendo and it is still immensely popular. After all, there’s a ton of games you can only play on the Switch, as it has many exclusive series to offer. Like many consoles today, the Switch has a bigger, badder version that costs more money, and a slimmer, less expensive version. We’re going to talk about the Switch versus the Switch Lite.