Movies 2020
What Should Movie Theaters Look Like After The Pandemic?
There is one thing I can promise you that is going to happen after this pandemic, and you don’t even need to trust me to know its true, just trust history; industries that were struggling before this situation will have businesses die, or have businesses thrive like never before. Americans want to go out and do things again, they will want to travel by train and by air, there will be cruises to schedule, and if you’re like me- you’re looking forward to getting to go back to your local movie theater.
The Coronavirus Has Delayed The Black Widow Movie
The Coronavirus is everywhere in the news, mostly in regards to how many things are being cancelled because of it. Unfortunately, that list of affected things just keeps on growing, as it turns out that even Marvel’s Black Widow movie has been delayed due to the virus, and it won’t be coming out in May.