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Destiny 2 News

A Five-Year Plan for Destiny 2 means a Sequel is Probably Nowhere in Sight

A Five-Year Plan for Destiny 2 means a Sequel is Probably Nowhere in Sight

With a few exceptions, it seems like video games are starting to follow one collective trend; the gap between franchise installments is getting longer and longer. It seems that we have to wait several years now between games in almost any series, and that includes ones we usually don’t associate with such things, like shooters. Destiny 2 came out back in 2017; that’s not terribly old, but with Bungie revealing a five year roadmap of sorts for the game, starting October 1st, it seems that a Destiny 3 is well and truly a far off prospect.
Bungie Plans to Release a New Game Franchise by 2025

Bungie Plans to Release a New Game Franchise by 2025

Despite the fact that Bungie has just revealed a five year plan for Destiny 2 with their Shadowkeep expansion, it seems that the company does actually have plans to present a new franchise to...