BioWare News
A New Mass Effect Game is Allegedly Underway at BioWare Edmonton
Thanks to information from Kotaku, it seems that a new Mass Effect game is in very early development at BioWare Edmonton, under the supervision of Mike Gamble. Gamble’s been working at BioWare since 2009, and had a hand in both Mass Effect 2 and 3 (also Andromeda, but we’re trying to get our hopes up here). He also worked on Anthem, but it seems he’ll be returning to where he started.
Anthem is making a Large Change to how Updates will be Released in the...
No one can deny that Anthem got off to a rough start; actually, it’s still in a pretty rough place even now, but it’s still hanging on somehow. That said, the fact that they...
Ben Irving, Lead Producer of Anthem is Leaving BioWare for Another Company
The lead producer of BioWare’s Anthem, Ben Irving, has recently announced that he is leaving the game developing company. According to a Twitter post by Ben Irving, he is leaving because he has accepted a position at another company, though he firmly believes that Anthem still has a bright future under new, but currently unannounced direction.