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Anthem News

Anthem is making a Large Change to how Updates will be Released in the Future

Anthem is making a Large Change to how Updates will be Released in the...

No one can deny that Anthem got off to a rough start; actually, it’s still in a pretty rough place even now, but it’s still hanging on somehow. That said, the fact that they...
Ben Irving, Lead Producer of Anthem is Leaving BioWare for Another Company

Ben Irving, Lead Producer of Anthem is Leaving BioWare for Another Company

The lead producer of BioWare’s Anthem, Ben Irving, has recently announced that he is leaving the game developing company. According to a Twitter post by Ben Irving, he is leaving because he has accepted a position at another company, though he firmly believes that Anthem still has a bright future under new, but currently unannounced direction.
Anthem’s Cataclysm

Anthem’s Cataclysm in Finally Available in Patch 1.3

Anthem was off to a rocky start back when it first released; initially excited players quickly found that there wasn’t exactly a lot to do once you really got past the story and into the nitty gritty of things. Quests were repetitive and took place in the same pretty yet retreaded over world. Weapons were scarcely that different from each other in any distinguishable way, and there were only three raids available for looting anyway. All in all, it wasn’t pretty, but BioWare and EA have stayed committed to their promise of post-release content, and with patch 1.3, that content is finally here.