Food Trucks for Sale Near Orlando

Orlando Food TruckOrlando is home to more than 200 food trucks, and it is well-known as a hot-spot for local food trucks and trailers. For entrepreneurs and restauranteurs in Orlando, starting a food truck business can be an excellent way to make a profit, expand your customer base, and increase recognition for an existing restaurant.

Starting a food truck business can be expensive, but there are several key ways to save money on your initial investment. You can find a food truck for sale in Orlando that is new or used, depending on your budget. If you are looking for mobile food trucks for sale in Orlando, keep reading to learn more.

Also See: Food Trucks for Sale in Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa.

Where to Buy a Food Truck Near Orlando

There are many options when it comes to finding a food truck for sale in Florida and more specifically, Orlando, Florida. If you are in the market for a brand-new food truck, you can search local Orlando lots and dealerships to find the top-of-the-line models for sale.

If you are looking to save money by investing in a used food truck for sale in Orlando, ask local dealerships if they have any used options. You can also find used food trucks for sale by owner online. Check out sites like craigslist, eBay, and Used Vending for listing. Keep your focus only on local listings, so you can see a used food truck for yourself before purchasing.

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What to Look for When Buying a Food Truck in Orlando

When looking to buy a food truck or trailer in Orlando, Florida or food trucks, consider how much you are willing to invest. A new food truck will set you back significantly, but you may be able to save on used food trucks. When looking at used food trucks, be sure to factor in the cost of repairs or remodeling to get your food truck up and running.

You should also consider how quickly you want to be making money with your food truck. If you want to be on the streets, serving food, and earning a profit quickly, a newer model will be ready to drive off the lot and start cooking. An older food truck that requires repairs or renovations will delay the start of your business.

What is better, a food truck or food trailer?

Food trucks and food trailers both offer plenty of pros and cons, and the best option comes down to your business needs. A food truck for sale in Florida can store a wide variety of food and ingredients and you have significant space to prep and work. You also do not need to tow the food truck with another vehicle. However, food trucks are considerably more expensive, and upgrades or repairs cost more as well.

A food trailer has to be transported by another vehicle and they are significantly more compact than food trucks. However, food trailers are less expensive than food trucks. If you have a food trailer in Orlando, you will likely pay less for repairs or mechanical issues than you would with a food truck.

Popular Orlando Food Trucks

If you want to start a food truck business in Orlando, it is crucial to know the market. As a hot spot for food trucks, Orlando is bursting with popular food trucks that already have loyal followings. Doing your research can help you set your business apart from the competition and determine the best way to attract new customers. Check out some of the most popular Orlando food trucks as of 2020:

  • Chief’s Chill-Out
  • The Naked Cupcake
  • MOTO Food Truck
  • Donuts and Real Espresso
  • Cups and Pups Coffee
  • Twisted Plates
  • Uncle Tony’s Backyard BBQ Food Truck
  • Monsta Lobsta Truck
  • El Cubanito Subs
  • Churros & Cream
  • Jamaican Jerk Hut

How much does a food truck cost in Florida?

If you want to purchase your own food truck in Florida, you can expect to pay at least $50,000. This can cover the cost of a used food truck and any necessary repairs. If you choose to purchase a new model with the latest equipment and technology, your costs can reach up to $200,000. Food trucks for lease in Florida can cost around $3,000 per month, but the total cost will depend on the lease duration. Food trailers for sale in Orlando tend to cost less than food trucks, so they may offer a more affordable route for new business owners.