Buy 32GB Nintendo Switch – Where To Buy One and How Much it Costs

Are you in the market for a new or used Nintendo Switch console? Do you know what to look for and how to find the best price? See our breakdown and ensure that you get the best value on your new switch purchase.

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Since the pandemic started, the Nintendo Switch has been one of the most sought-after gaming consoles. Whether that’s because of its versatility or its many exclusive titles and franchises, we can’t say. Either way, many people have been after one, and many people have raised many questions. Here, we’ll do all we can to provide answers to those many questions, from where you can get a Switch, to where you can get them cheaper, and what all they can do.

How Much Does the Nintendo Switch Cost?

This is the question, isn’t it? Upfront, we’re going to tell you that the price of a Switch is going to vary based on where you are looking. Through official channels, like Nintendo themselves and trusted retailers like Walmart and GameStop, a regular Nintendo Switch Console Switch is $300, while a Switch Lite is $200. If you don’t know the difference between the two, don’t worry: we’ll get to that.

Of course, the price of a Switch with Joy-Con Controllers may vary depending on certain factors. If you’re buying one online from a third-party retailer, such as Amazon or eBay, then of course the price is going to fluctuate from person to person. That said, differences in price may also occur if you are looking at special edition Switches. These may be consoles with special aesthetics or extra items related to a particular game, and will probably cost more than a ‘default’ Switch of either the regular or Lite variety. However, knowing the official price of the consoles will let you know how good or bad of a deal you’re getting with a third-party seller.

Where to Buy Nintendo Switch to get the Best Deal

So, you’re looking to buy Nintendo Switch? Is there anywhere to buy a Nintendo Switch right now? There are a lot of places to buy a Nintendo Switch. Large, trustworthy retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Target and GameStop all usually have the Switch in stock. Most of them typically have the same price though, right around $299.99. This is mainly because Nintendo has a set minimum advertised price for their products and retailers have to abide by the Nintendo rules.

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See More Nintendo Switch Deals for Sale at eBay

Where you Can Purchase the Nintendo Switch Right Now

What is the best place to buy a Nintendo Switch? While most major retailers haven’t had the Switch in stock recently, we do see that new units are coming in just in time for the holiday shopping rush. If you can’t wait to buy your new Nintendo Switch, we have seen some units sporadically in stock at the retailers below. Check these stores for current availability and pricing:

eBay – New & Used – Auction & Buy it Now

Amazon – Check current pricing & availability

Walmart – Check current pricing & availability

Target – Check current pricing & availability

Getting the Best Deal

Nintendo Switch Back

While there is some added value in purchasing the Switch from a larger retailer especially when it comes to warranty and returns, based on our research, the best place to get a good deal on a new or used Nintendo Switch is at Most 3rd-party sellers are able to offer the Switch for sale for less than what the larger retailers can. Though discount new Switch pricing won’t typically drop more than 8%-10%, you usually can find it for less. One other factor is that, when buying a Switch or Switch Lite from a 3rd-party seller, you may not have to pay taxes on your purchase. For a $300+ item, that might mean an additional savings of $20-$30.

It’s important to keep in mind that when you are purchasing on eBay, you will need to pay close attention to shipping & returns policies and you should also be willing to buy a Switch without a manufacturer’s warranty.

One other thing to keep in mind is that eBay typically offers more of the rarest Switch bundles for sale. For these, you can expect to pay a premium above the normal Switch prices.

Can You Buy a Cheaper Switch from Another Country?

This question is pretty complicated, as it includes a great many factors to consider. The price of a Nintendo Switch varies from country to country, thanks to taxes, import prices, etc. So, it stands to reason that, somewhere, you may be able to find a Switch for cheaper than your home country. However, this also depends on what your home country is. For example, the United States has a very average, consistent price for the Switch at $300. Most countries around the globe are selling these consoles for about this price. That being the case, if the price of a Switch via official channels in your country is significantly higher, then yes, you may be able to find a cheaper one from a different country.

Naturally, Japan has the cheapest Switches to buy because they don’t have to be imported from elsewhere. However, it’s worth noting that ‘cheaper’ is relative. Even in Japan, you won’t be buying a brand-new Switch from official channels for some ridiculously cheap sum like $200 or $150. At best, you may be able to buy it for around $270 or so. And sure, that may save you money, but considering the taxes of a foreign nation, potential shipping costs, and shipping distance in general, it probably won’t be worth all the extra hassle or time it takes for your Switch to even be delivered.

Why is the Switch so Expensive?

Nintendo Switch being Used

We understand why some people may feel that the Switch is expensive. $300 can go a long way towards just about anything. However, you have to keep in mind the average price of a gaming console. Most game consoles tend to be around $400, so by comparison, $300 is much cheaper. Moreover, the Switch offers a great array of features and functions that justify its price tag.

First and foremost is the fact that it can be used as a handheld or an at-home console. The controllers for the Switch can be attached and detached at will, held like Wii remotes or attached to an apparatus that makes them more like a traditional controller. The Switch is heavily customizable, with tons of accessories you can buy to alter grips, button sizes, joy-cons and much more. It has internet connection, offers multiplayer capability, allows for co-op with just one console and set of controllers, and perhaps most importantly, possesses a monopoly on a number of very popular franchises.

If you want to play any recent or new game in the future from franchises like Pokémon, Mario, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Smash Bros., or pretty much any Nintendo franchise, you will have to own a Switch. Taking all of this into consideration, the Switch is well worth the price tag.

Should I Wait for the Nintendo Switch Pro?

Is it worth it to buy a Nintendo switch in 2020? First of all, it’s important to note that the Switch Pro is not a confirmed reality. It’s a rumor that Nintendo has yet to confirm. While it’s likely that they are working on some kind of improved Switch, we don’t know that for sure, and moreover, we don’t know when it would potentially be available for purchase. At the minimum, it would certainly be 2021, and it could just as easily be some time beyond that.

So, in short, no, you shouldn’t wait for a Nintendo Switch Pro. For one, we don’t know if a Pro is actually in the works. Two, it could be years before it is ready even if it is in development. Three, even though this theoretical Pro would undoubtedly be superior to the current Switch, it would probably only be in small ways, such as relatively minor improvements in graphics, battery life, etc. It’s not like it will be able to play games that the current Switch can’t, it would just play them mildly better. On top of all that, it would definitely cost more than a current Switch as well, so we can’t recommend waiting for the Switch Pro.

What’s the Difference Between the Switch and the Switch Lite?

Nintendo Switch vs Switch Lite

As you probably noted previously, the Switch Lite is a whole $100 cheaper than the regular Switch model. And as you probably know, when one item is cheaper than the other, it’s usually because some sacrifices have been made. That said, the Lite is inferior to the regular Switch in a few ways, but depending on what you’re looking to get out of the device, it may be well worth the $100 you can save.

The most important difference is that the Switch Lite cannot be used as a TV console. The regular Switch can be plugged into a TV via HDMI cable, allowing you to play it on a bigger screen. The Lite cannot do this, and so it is a wholly handheld gaming system. Moreover, its Joy-Cons, the controllers, cannot be removed from the console itself like the regular Switch can. That also means you can’t play co-op with it, because you need to be able to give one of the controllers to a buddy to do that.

However, if you’re just looking for a handheld gaming device, then none of those technical detriments really matter. Unless you really want the aforementioned functions, there’s no reason to spend an extra $100 on a regular Switch.

Nintendo Switch Video

Nintendo Switch Lite Video

Is the Nintendo Switch Sold Out?

Thanks to the pandemic, the Switch saw some serious shortages in which it was increasingly difficult to find them, and the ones you could find were mostly online, with people charging exorbitant sums for them. Thankfully, that situation was rectified quite some time ago, and Switch stocks are looking just fine right now. Chances are you can find one for sale in your usual avenues, such as Walmart, GameStop, Amazon, etc.

Should you Download Switch Games or Purchase Physical Copies?

Like most video game systems these days, the Switch can utilize both digital and physical copies of games. Which one you should use depends on personal preference. Some people like to have physical game cartridges and cases, just like some people like having physical books in their hands. If you’re such a person, then obviously you want physical copies.

However, physical cartridges can be lost or damaged, while digital copies of games are safe from both of those dangers. So if all you care about is access to the game itself, digital is the better choice. That said, you can usually save around $10 buying a physical game copy at a retailer, as they offer a lower price in order to try and increase physical sales, so that warrants consideration as well.

Does the Nintendo Switch Require Internet or WiFi?

Playing Switch with Detached Joy-Cons

No, the Switch does not require an internet connection to function. You can still play games on it without any connection to the internet. Of course, there are some functions you won’t be able to use without an internet connection, such as the online store or multiplayer. This means you won’t be able to download games online and you won’t be able to play with anyone online either.

However, if you own a physical cartridge or already have a game downloaded on the Switch, a lack of internet connection won’t stop you from playing a game.

Nintendo Switch Hardware Video

Nintendo Switch FAQs

There are many different consoles to choose from, but Nintendo Switch is one of the most popular. Making headlines for constantly being sold out, the Switch has been in very high demand—but is it worth it? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Switch.

Is the Nintendo switch really worth it?

The Nintendo Switch is worth it for a variety of reason. It includes a huge list of games for all ages (such as Mario Galaxy for children or Smash Brothers and Witcher III for avid enthusiast), plus it’s portable. You can use the Switch on your TV or you can hook the controllers to it and use it as a mobile device.

Why is the Nintendo switch so expensive?

The Nintendo Switch became really expensive because of high demand while everyone stayed home during the 2020 pandemic. With the holiday season also approaching, resellers are increases prices to deal with the high demand.

Where to buy a Nintendo switch right now?

Getting your hands on a Nintendo Switch is difficult. If you want one at all costs, you can find resellers (expensively) selling them on Amazon and eBay. If you want to buy them at MSRP, keep an eye out at your local Walmart or Best Buy.

How much is a Nintendo switch usually?

The Nintendo Switch usually costs around $300. There are other versions of the Switch, such as limited Mario or Zelda editions, that have different skins and include games that are slightly more expensive.

Is it worth it to buy a Nintendo switch in 2020?

If you are looking for a Nintendo Switch in 2020, odds are you have seen the huge prices. There are a lot of great games on the Switch, such as Breath of the Wild, but if you are not desperate to play them you may be better off waiting for the demand to die down after the holidays.

What is the best place to buy a Nintendo switch?

The best place to buy the Nintendo Switch is through a large retailer because they keep the price at the MSRP determined by Nintendo (around $300). Places like Best Buy and Walmart aren’t able to keep them in stock for long, but if you can get one there you will get a great price. If you want a Switch now, no matter the cost, you can pick one up from retailers like Amazon or eBay.

Is Nintendo switch being discontinued?

The Nintendo Switch is not being discontinued. Even as other consoles launch their next line of products, the Switch continues to be the flagship device from Nintendo. They recently released a portable-only version called the Switch Lite and will continue making games for Switch for years. Sometimes it may seem like it’s discontinued because it’s hard to find them on the shelf, but that’s because they are in extremely high demand right now.

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Mark is a senior editor and retail/deals enthusiast at He specializes in finding the best deals available in-store and online. In his spare time, mark enjoys taking his pups on hikes, camping, fishing and getting on the road.