Are you looking for a stylish way to spice up your sound system, but keep it vintage? How about trying out some vintage Klipsch speakers? There is no sound like the sound you get with Klipsch speakers out there, and they are a stylish addition to any collection. Klipsch still makes speakers today, but collectors go bananas for the vintage models.
If you’re looking to ramp up your audio game, it might be time to look into something a little nicer than the speakers inside your laptop. Many musicians and audio people swear by Klipsch. The brand has been a staple in the audio industry for 70 years, and is still making products.
Vintage Klipsch Speakers for Sale Right Now
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See Vintage Klipsch Speakers for Sale
What are the Best Klipsch Speakers?
The most popular line of vintage Klipsch Speakers is the Heritage line. They are hardest to find, and audiophiles who find them will brag about them the rest of their lives. In particular, the Hersey speaker is considered the best. It looks very fancy being made out of wood that you’d see expensive furniture made out of. If you are searching for Klipsch speakers on a budget, they are also the most affordable.
According to the internet, the Hersey speakers are going to be the best vintage Klipsch speakers you can buy. It all comes down to the sound quality you are looking for, though. Some have distinct looks, such as the Hersey with the wood siding. Sticking with the Heritage line is the way to go in this department.
History of Klipsch Speakers
In 1946, a man named Paul W. Klipsch founded a company in Arkansas that produced speakers and sound systems that were considered high end. These speakers changed everything about audio. Paul Klipsch is even in the audio hall of fame for all of his incredible work. They are still considered some of the best speakers on the market.
When Klipsch first started making the speakers, he made them by hand. The story goes he started making them in a tin shed. The business went from one man in a shed to a family owned business, to being an internationally known business that is now owned by VOXX. That’s part of what makes them so special. There is even a Klipsch Museum inside of what was the original factory. These speakers are a staple in the audio industry, and are still widely used today.
How’s the Sound?
Vintage Klipsch speakers are the best of the best. You get what you pay for, and the sound quality has been compared to that of live concert sound. Klipsch is one of the longest running speaker companies, and there’s a reason for that.
How Much do Vintage Klipsch Speakers Cost?
Vintage Klipsch speakers are NOT cheap, that’s for sure. Unless you have a grand laying around to invest, you might not have much luck finding anything worth buying. A pair of Hersey II speakers on eBay will run you from $400-$1000 depending on condition and accessories. It is also important to note the shipping costs can be very high, as well. Some sets, such as Klipsch Chorus from 1987 are listed on eBay for $2000.
How Long Will the Speakers Last?
Klipsch speakers are of a high quality, so they will last a long time. This is how they are able to become vintage items! The best part about them is that even a 25-year-old speaker will keep that great sound. Audio quality is another reason vintage Klipsch speakers are still pricy items on the internet. They look cool, and they can pretty much last forever.
However, if you want them to last forever you have to put in the work. According to the official Klipsch website, the best thing to clean the speakers with is a microfiber cloth. Get the cloth damp, and use circular motions to clean the sides so you don’t leave any streaks. Another suggestion is canned air in order to get the dust out.
There are a lot of speakers out there, but vintage Klipsch speakers will get you the most bang for your buck. They have been a trusted brand for almost a century, and it’s impressive that they can keep putting out modern products while their originals are still sold as vintage items.
Chris is a junior editor at TheDealExperts specializing in gaming and tech. In his spare time, Chris enjoys spending time with his dogs, doing some long-distance running and watching post-war era shows and movies on Netflix.