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Xbox Live Gold Deals

Xbox Live Gold

Xbox Has Reversed Their Decision to Increase the Price of Xbox Live Gold Subscriptions,...

People that have been keeping tabs on the online Xbox community may have been aware that Microsoft was looking to change the price of Xbox Live Gold subscriptions. This change in pricing was originally going to be an extra dollar for one month of Gold ($11) and an extra five dollars for three months of Gold ($30). Needless to say, a lot of the Xbox community was unhappy about this, and they made sure to let Microsoft know. The good news is that Microsoft actually listened!
Xbox Live Gold

Xbox Live Gold Will No Longer Have 12-Month Subscriptions

Some serious changes are being made to Xbox Live Gold’s subscription program, as Microsoft has decided to discontinue their year-long subscription plans. As of now, only monthly and three-month Xbox Live Gold subscriptions are available from Microsoft's website. Unfortunately, this was not an accidental change, and Microsoft definitely intended to make it happen, for reasons they extrapolated on to some extent.
Xbox Games With Gold For May 2020 Have Been Revealedvideo

Xbox Games With Gold For May 2020 Have Been Revealed

Microsoft has recently revealed the four games that Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be able get for free in the month of May. Like months before it, the titles are pretty heavily focused on sports and racing, but there are two RPG titles as well. As always, the four titles are split between two Xbox One titles and two Xbox 360 titles. The first of these many games will be available on May 1st, though they will not all become available at the same time.