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Dragon Quest News

The First Three Games in the Dragon Quest Series will soon be on the Switch

The First Three Games in the Dragon Quest Series will soon be on the...

For fans of the ever popular Dragon Quest series, there’s good new to be had, provided you own a Nintendo Switch. Of course there’s the release of Dragon Quest 11 to look forward to later this month, but we aren’t referring to that alone. Square Enix has announced that the first three games in the series will also be released on Nintendo Switch on September 27th. The three of them will be sold individually on the Nintendo eShop, though it’s unclear if they will also get a physical copy release at some point.

Dragon Quest Walk: Pokémon Go Will Get Some Competition Soon

Let’s be honest; the hype surrounding Pokemon Go died quite some time ago. Not that nobody plays it any more, as plenty of people still do, but it’s not the same craze that it...