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Yusaku Maezawa

Japanese Businessman Ends Search for Love in Space

Finding love can be a difficult challenge we all face at some point but finding that one true love willing to go where no lover has been before is something one man has discovered might be a lightyear too far from becoming a reality. Think I’m joking? Well, for billionaire tech fashion Yusako Maezawa, he's learned this hard truth about finding someone to keep warm in the cold depths of space the hard way. According to BBC, this wasn’t for a lack of trying on Maezawa’s part. “Fashion mogul Yusaku​ Maezawa invited single women over the age of 20 to apply for a ‘match-making event’. Almost 28,000 applied, but on Thursday he said he was experiencing ‘mixed feelings’ and pulled out of the search.” Ouch, 28,000 applicants and Maezawa still couldn’t find that elusive “one.”