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The Future of Social Media Marketing: 11 Trends You Need to Know in 2022

Looking at the increasing importance of social media in consumer lives, business owners and marketers have started using these platforms to connect with their target audiences. Social media marketing has evolved from a trend to an inevitable marketing strategy today. However, there is a constant overload on these channels and a cut-throat competition for attention. Staying on top of the latest trends can help fuel your social media marketing strategy and help you stand out. Here are the top social media trends you should be aware of in 2021 and beyond.
Economic Doom Recovery

Is The Fed Predicting Economic Doom?

Some states are reopening, and some are extending lockdowns. Either way, the future of the world’s biggest consumer economy looks shaky at least. With this point universally understood, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, has stepped in to say that the Fed is prepared to print as much new money as needed in order to stabilize the economy as it currently stands on unstable grounds. According to The Washington Times, “Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome H. Powell said Wednesday that Congress might need to spend more on coronavirus relief to pull the nation out of an economic crisis that has cost more than 20 million jobs.”