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Sony PS5 Event

Sony Confirms A New Date For Their PS5 Games Event

For anyone that’s been keeping up with us or Sony in general, they know that a virtual event Sony had intended to hold a few days ago was delayed. The virtual event was going to reveal some information about the upcoming PlayStation 5, as well as some of the games that were going to launch with it or be available on it. While it was originally supposed to be on June 4th, the event was delayed. Sony’s reasoning for this was tied to the protests regarding the death of George Floyd. In their own words, they felt as though it was an inappropriate time to hold a virtual event like that when there were more important voices to be heard in the community.
Sony PS5

Sony Will Apparently Reveal The Launch Titles For PS5 ‘Soon’

‘Soon’ is a word not many gamers like to hear. What is soon anyway? A week? A month? Corporations always seem to be as vague as possible when using this word, but at least it is better than getting no indication at all. It was during a corporate strategy meeting that Sony stated they would be revealing the lineup of games for the PS5 ‘soon.’
Predator: Hunting Grounds will get a Trial Weekend in March

Predator: Hunting Grounds will get a Trial Weekend in March

Beginning on March 27th and ending on the 29th, developer Illfonic will have a trial weekend for the soon to be released asymmetrical shooter, Predator: Hunting Grounds. The trial will be available for both Epic Games Store users and PS Plus members on the PS4, with cross-play between the two platforms being supported. As for downloading the actual trial, it will be available at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET / 4 PM GMT.
The Final PlayStation State of Play of 2019 will include New Game Reveals

The Final PlayStation State of Play of 2019 will include New Game Reveals

Sony’s State of Play broadcast is one of the best ways to keep up with everything happening on the PlayStation console. The final State of Play broadcast for 2019 will be aired on Tuesday, December 10th, and despite being the last of the year, there’s some exciting news included with it. Of course, it’s more of vague teasers than detailed information, but it’s certainly better than nothing.
The Newest PUBG Update Introduces Cross-Play to the Game

The Newest PUBG Update Introduces Cross-Play to the Game

It’s a common line of thinking; if a game is available on multiple platforms, being able to play against players from any platform would be a good thing. It ensures that there are more players to face off against in matchmaking, which is never a bad thing. That said, it took Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds some time to make the cross-platform move, but the most recent update is here, and with it, cross-play.
The Price of PS Now Subscriptions has been Cut Worldwide by Sony

The Price of PS Now Subscriptions has been Cut Worldwide by Sony

PlayStation Now is Sony’s streaming service for both PC and PS4. It used to be a relatively hefty $20 a month to subscribe to, but Sony has reduced that price permanently around the globe. From now on, the price of a PS Now subscription will be reduced to $10 a month, while quarterly subscriptions will be $25 instead of $45.
Some Great Deals are still Available on the PlayStation Network through the end of September

Great Deals still Available on PlayStation through the end of September

While the amazing “Big in Japan” games sale may have launched on PSN last week, there’s no reason to ignore the September Savings deal that’s going on right now. It includes over 300 discounts on games, DLC, and bundles, letting you secure some pretty great games at some astoundingly low prices. Said deals will be available until October 1st, so you’ve got a little time to browse and see what might interest you. We’ll talk about some of the most notable, but obviously we can’t cover 300 discounts in one go, so be sure to check it out on the PlayStation Store.

Best PlayStation Deals Available September 2019

September is a great month for deals and sales, whether you’re an Xbox or a PlayStation kind of person. But if you are of the latter breed, the following deals and discounts are for you to consider. Retailers are marking down all sorts of PlayStation-related goods, from consoles themselves to numerous games. We’ll talk about some of the best PlayStation deals to take advantage of in the month of September right here. Note: Pricing may change at any time throughout the month.
Control is $10 off for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Control is $10 off for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4

With digital games becoming more and more popular due to their convenience, brick and mortar retailers have been looking for ways to bolster sales of physical game copies. Quite frankly, there is answer seems to be a good one; why not just sell new games for cheaper than you can get them online? Both Amazon and Walmart have taken up this practice, selling physical copies of many new releases for $49.94 instead of the classic $60.
Sony Announces First PlayStation Conference in Over a Year

Sony Announces First PlayStation Conference in Over a Year

It’s been a year since Sony has held a PS4 conference, but they finally announced that they were going to have one this summer. This will be the first PlayStation conference since E3 2018. This isn’t to say we haven’t gotten any news in all of that time, as Sony simply shied away from large reveals at conferences and simply provided news through other means, such as their State of Play broadcasts, and the exclusive Wired interview that Mark Cerny used to reveal the PS5.