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Gaming in 2020

Dishonored The Roleplaying Game

The Dishonored Tabletop RPG Can Now Be Played Digitally

There’s nothing quite like playing a tabletop RPG on a digital platform. It almost seems ironic. That said, Modiphius has just recently released Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, and it is available as a PDF for about $18. The physical edition of the game is only available for pre-order until June, but this PDF can be ordered right away.
3 Big Gaming Trends To Look Out For In 2020

3 Big Gaming Trends To Look Out For In 2020

2020 is around the corner and gaming was a hit or miss in 2019. Companies like Blizzard were fraught with controversy, Anthem was a complete flop, and Google Stadia released to shaky reception. However, 2020 looks to polish off the industry with mistakes and growing pains with big releases, taking bigger risks with VR technology, and deeper foray into streaming. Let’s take a look at 3 gaming trends in 2020 to look forward to.