Fallen Order News
Star Wars: Fallen Order could be EA’s Redemption, but Keep your Fingers Crossed
There was a time, distant though it may be, when Electronic Arts was considered one of the most prominent game publishers of the day; a true pioneer of fun and exciting gaming content, with titles like Dead Space, Need for Speed, and Burnout. One of the things that most of those games had it common was their focus on single player content, and being complete package on the day of release. Both of those are hard to come by with EA games these days, and people have been mercilessly ridiculing the publisher for that very reason.
The Pre-Order Bonuses for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order have been Revealed
While we’ve known about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order since it was revealed back at E3 of 2018, we’ve only recently received a release date for it, that being November 15th of 2019. It’ll launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC, though PC distribution will be handled solely through EA’s Origin Store. The game, being developed by Respawn Entertainment of Titanfall and Apex Legends renown, will be entirely single-player.