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Call of Duty News

PlayStation Will Get An Exclusive Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Modevideo

PlayStation Will Get An Exclusive Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Mode

Gamers are plenty familiar with the notion of console exclusive games: Halo for the Xbox, Uncharted for the PlayStation, you know how it goes. However, it’s not every day that a console gets an exclusive mode for a game, which is what’s happening for both the PlayStation 4 and 5 in regards to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. There are a few caveats though.
The Call Of Duty Remastered Game

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Allegedly Launches Tomorrow

It was only recently that a leak tipped society off to the upcoming release of the Modern Warfare 2 Remastered title, and yet Eurogamer announced that the listing for the PlayStation 4 is accurate, and despite that listing being removed, the Remastered campaign for the game is launching on March 31st: that’s tomorrow, of course.
Call of Duty Mobile is now Available on iOS and Android

Call of Duty Mobile is now Available on iOS and Android

Call of Duty is the type of franchise that really just keeps on going and branching out, cranking out new releases at breakneck speeds. Granted, they aren’t always good, but at least there’s always something new right around the corner. Call of Duty Mobile was one of the newest goals for the franchise, and it received an early release on Monday. The Launch was a bit rough, but the game is now available on both iOS and Android platforms.