We all want to say we’re in great financial shape, but the truth is we either aren’t or we still have room to get better. Sometimes, our day to day lives don’t give us the time to do research on our own in order to get a good grasp about tough concepts. For some of us, the money needed to work with a professional financial expert to help carry the load just isn’t an option either.
However, there is an easy and engaging way to get the financial advice we need, on our time, for absolutely free! Whether on our lunch break, at the gym, or during our commute, podcasts allow us to listen in on the conversations and discussions about money matters right from our phones or other portable devices. So, what are some of the best financial podcasts to get started on as we embark on our journey to debt freedom, budgetary fortitude, and wealth growth?
Here are some of the best financial podcasts on the internet, available wherever podcasts can be downloaded, absolutely for free.
The Dave Ramsey Show
The credit card killer himself and king of cash is obviously the first show on this list. From his bestselling books to much loved Financial Peace University classes, Dave Ramsey has lead literally millions of people around the world out of immense debt and into financial freedom.
Each day for several hours on air, you can download episodes of his hit radio show in podcast form as Dave works with callers around the country facing financial problems from small to large, and all the craziness in between. This is the best show to listen to in order to understand the struggles other people are encountering so you can learn from their mistakes.
The Chris Hogan Show
Another part of the Ramsey network, Chris Hogan teaches you how everyday, middle income earners can become “everyday millionaires” without some crazy financial scheme or high stakes investing. Great for those who want to learn how to make their money go and make more money for them!
The Rachel Cruz Show
The Ramsey network has a streak of great shows, and the Rachel Cruz show is one of them. Rachel discusses budgeting and more, specifically towards newly married couples who are learning how to use each other’s strengths in order to live debt free, grow their wealth, and retire strong!
Smart Passive Income
You have cleared your debt, you’re a budgeting ninja, and now you’re learning to grow your wealth. Internet money guru Pat Flynn takes you through the myriad of ways everyday people can establish multiple methods of passive income streams in order to spend less time working, and more time living.
Millennial Money Podcast
Financial expert Shannah Compton Game is a great resource for everything from learning how the stock market works, to how to curb your spending habits so you can get smart with your hard earned money. Great for those that feel intimidated by the big game of finances, especially college students and those who are now entering the real world for the first time of big bills, debt, and other money related nightmares!
Mark is a senior editor and retail/deals enthusiast at TheDealExperts.com. He specializes in finding the best deals available in-store and online. In his spare time, mark enjoys taking his pups on hikes, camping, fishing and getting on the road.