A little extra lunch money never hurt anyone, right? Thanks to the wonderful world of the internet, it is easier now more than ever to make easy money right from your phone. Here are a list of websites ranging from surveys to rating services and cashback programs, and our experience using them to generate some easy cash.
Note: None of these websites are paying us to say anything, so expect some hardcore honesty!
2020 is around the corner and gaming was a hit or miss in 2019. Companies like Blizzard were fraught with controversy, Anthem was a complete flop, and Google Stadia released to shaky reception. However, 2020 looks to polish off the industry with mistakes and growing pains with big releases, taking bigger risks with VR technology, and deeper foray into streaming. Let’s take a look at 3 gaming trends in 2020 to look forward to.
With so many stores in the palm of our hand, it can be difficult to manage your “splurge spending” into a small fixed amount. Of course, you deserve to spend money on yourself, every once and while. But the ease of shopping and simple spending can lead you to lose track of that splurge spending, turning it into regular spending.
When the economy is booming, job openings are plentiful, and wages are on the rise.
So why then are personal loans growing at such a rapid pace?
According to the consumer credit rating agency Equifax, personal loans in 2019 grew 10% from the year before. Experian and Transunion -- the two other major consumer credit rating agencies -- agree; personal loans are growing at a double-digit pace.
Whether you listen at the gym, in your car, or riding the subway, podcasts are a great way to pass the time while also learning something new.
One of the fastest-growing parts of the podcast industry is Business & Finance. Need help with your personal finances? There are podcasts for that. Need to earn some extra income with a side gig? There are podcasts for that, too. But with so many to choose from, which one is right for you?
As the weather gets colder, more people will experiment with grilling indoors. An indoor countertop grill is a great tool for people who love grilling but cannot grill outside year-round. It allows users to bring the fun and joy of grilling indoors.
If you’re trying a countertop grill for the first time, you’ll want to make sure you’re using it safely. Below are 5 tips for using your countertop grill safely.
During times like these it can be very hard to focus on anything other than the negatives, especially since we are encountering a crisis that is impacting the health of thousands as well as the financial future of potentially millions. While many businesses throughout the country are at risk of massive furloughs and layoffs, and the stock market is playing the electric slide downward with everyone’s money, there are some massive employers stepping up in a big way to help retail and service industry employees who will be hit first as a result of this pandemic.
If you're in the market for a personal loan, you are not alone. The personal loan market has surged recently, with the total outstanding debt now over $156 billion. And if you are considering a personal loan, it should be clear that there are more lenders than ever before. Fintech startups, online banks, and traditional lenders are all vying for market share in this growing space.
We have all found new hobbies in the age of quarantine, some of them fairly expensive. You may have found in your stay at home adventures the escape video games can bring. Whether you have a console or play on PC the price of playing doesn’t always come cheap.
Everyone loves to travel. Seeing new sights, experiencing unique foods, and exploring fun destinations make going on a vacation one of the most enjoyable activities around. It’s a fantastic way to relieve stress, get away from the everyday grind, and recharge your mental batteries. Sadly, the problem is that many people don’t have the time or money to take these fun trips. While we can’t fix the time part, we can improve the money side. By picking the best credit cards for travel, you’ll be able to rack up free flights in no time – making that dream destination much closer than you ever imagined!
What makes for the best credit card deal when it comes to travel? Glad you asked! Let’s take a look at what these credit cards are and how they can help you get closer to relaxing on a lovely vacation, wherever that may be!
Shopping for clothes should be easier in a digital environment, unfortunately, international sellers and fake shops claim victims every day. How can you be sure to get the best product when shopping for clothes online?
Familiar Retailers:
To always guarantee the product and price shopping online from regular retail stores is the safest bet. It is tempting to go straight to the largest online marketplace, Amazon, try thinking about the stores you would go to at a mall.
Online shopping has become a major part of our lives, offering us convenience and the ability to find great deals from the comfort of our own homes. However, with so many options available, it can be easy to fall into the trap of overspending or buying things that you don't really need.
Maybe you’re tired of hearing this, especially if you spent the last couple days or so watching Netflix non-stop, but if you’re financially comfortable and you find yourself with a bunch of extra time on your hands because of recent events, now might be the time to grow as a person to ensure the version of you that comes out of this pandemic is stronger than ever. That means stronger when it comes to your mind, body, soul, and especially your finances.
For anyone with kids, it's a known fact that entertaining the little ones doesn't come cheap. Trips to the store, the trampoline house, or the arcade can put a dent in your wallet. So what's a parent to do? Well, there are alternatives out there. If you're willing to do a little research and apply some imagination, you may find that the free options can be a hit too!
By the time you read this, almost 6.6 million Americans will have filed for unemployment benefits. This number is larger than that of those on unemployment during the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, and now, after four years of low unemployment and a bull market, even people in relatively secure jobs are uncertain as to what the future holds. For some people reading this, even maybe you, the fears of losing your job has become a reality.
The classic mechanical watch will always have a degree of style and class to it. For many modern middle class men, receiving your first watch as a gift or perhaps purchasing an expensive timepiece yourself is still viewed as a right of passage from boyhood into adulthood, where now you have to be held accountable for your finances and well being, time being an important factor in all of them.
As winter begins to recede and a graduating class near you looks forward to a (hopefully) warmer summer and perhaps that first full time job, here are five quality and affordable watches that would make an excellent gift for the young professional in your life.
For many millions of Americans, this current financial crisis has brought home many fearful scenarios, as almost everyone has faced either a drop in their income or lost their main stream of income entirely. However, every period of difficulty brings the opportunity to make something good out of it. You might even be, for the first time in your life, truly assessing whether you understand the current state of your finances, and if you can manifest your goals into reality.
Here are four of the best books on personal finance, retirement, and goal setting you can pick up today:
So, you've decided to buy that new car. Now you need to decide -- how am I going to pay for this? The answer? It's time to get an auto loan. But with so many choices, how do you decide? Let's take some time to go through the options.
Have you ever felt like you wanted more out of life? Getting up each morning and doing the same old routine day in and day out is dreadful. Do you find yourself sitting at your desk at work twiddling your thumbs waiting until the clock strikes five or five-thirty?
My story resonates well with someone who was dreadfully fed up with the nine to five grind. I needed to find purpose in my life and go after that purpose with everything I had.
The 21st century is a whole new era. Many people have taken on work outside of their regular job and eventually started their passive income full time. Work ranging from contract positions to full-time side hustles, there is an endless array of opportunities.
Having a backup source of power for your home is extremely important. Whether it’s weather damage or some other cause, knowing that you have power to your home during an emergency gives you peace of mind and makes sure you can power things like your refrigerator until the electricity comes back on. If you are looking for a Honda generator, here are some frequently asked questions:
What is the best Honda generator for home use?
There are a lot of generators to choose from, but you are usually in great hands no matter what Honda generator you choose. When looking for a home use generator there are a few things you should keep an eye out for:
• How many watts does it power?
• Is it CARB complaint?
• How much run time will it get?
• What type of fuel does it use?
For typical home use, the Honda EM5000SX is all the generator you will probably need. It is CARB compliant, gas powered, can run 5000 watts and has 11 hours of run time at 50% load.