Maybe you’re tired of hearing this, especially if you spent the last couple days or so watching Netflix non-stop, but if you’re financially comfortable and you find yourself with a bunch of extra time on your hands because of recent events, now might be the time to grow as a person to ensure the version of you that comes out of this pandemic is stronger than ever. That means stronger when it comes to your mind, body, soul, and especially your finances.
Here are five extremely popular podcasts hitting all the right areas to help you consider where you want to go, how you’ll get there, and what you need to get ready to put a plan together.
Wealth, Money, and Power with Jason Stapleton
Former special operator turned FOREX trader turned finance host Jason Stapleton broadcasts five days a week bringing to you the best stories regarding financial responsibility and finance. Stapleton is known for helping individuals craft the mindset needed to become financially strong, economically independent from factors outside of the regular middle-class American, and how to develop a character and charisma for the harsh world of business, politics, and other avenues of life where competition is fierce. If this sounds intimidating, don’t feel that way, this show is easily accessible whether you’re a college student, entrepreneur, or someone in the workforce looking to elevate their game.
Joshua Sheets comes to you with the goal of helping you become financially independent in ten years or less. This podcast isn’t for the person who wants a “simple” or “regular” life, however. This show instructs you in intense ways to build wealth, crush debt, and how to ultimately become the true master of your choices, not a boss or a bank. From discussing how to live in your car to pay rent, how to “house hack” in order to make as much money from tenants as possible, or what you need to consider when using your skills to leave the workplace so you can become your own boss, this is a serious podcast for people that want to become extremely serious about obtaining real financial independence.
We all know that life is filled with pain, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find better ways to process it. The Daily Stoic podcast is a spin-off of the popular Daily Stoic YouTube channel by Ryan Holiday. This is a podcast which brings you short prompts and vignettes based off the thousand-year-old stoic philosophy that has helped some of mankind’s greatest leaders from the battlefield to the boardroom, and how they tackled the challenges around them using a philosophy of confronting one’s own demons so that you can face the trouble’s the world throws at you. These episodes are short, but the lessons will keep you thinking for days ahead.
The real Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort is back in popular culture with his new podcast where he interviews some of the most interesting people in the world. Focused on business, learn from some of the industry leaders in news, technology, and real estate and absorb knowledge from them and the host that has truly had it all, lost it all, and come out of it rich and loving life on the other end.
If you’re like many couples forced to find other ways to expand your knowledge of “extracurricular activities” during this time of forced quarantine, the experts at Shameless sex will teach you how to improve your horizontal tango, or vertical mambo jambo if you’re catching my drift. Straight talk about silly topics will be sure to entertain and inform you and your special somebody about how to make the bedroom ground zero once again for “alone time” with one another. You’ll thank me later.
Amanda is passionate about everything deals. She enjoy finding posting and, to her bank account's dismay, purchasing great deals. Amanda specializes in deals relating to the Home & Garden, Baby and Health & Fitness categories. In her free time, Amanda spends time with her son and visiting family back east.